Underage Drinking

Underage drinking treatment in Dallas Tx

As parents, there are so many things we imagine when we find out we’re having a little girl. We imagine what her first words will be, what her eyes will look like, what sports she’ll love. We may imagine who her friends will be, what her school will be like, or what kind of grades she’ll get. 

Some of us spend months working on her nursery, hanging tiny clothes on tiny hangers, and filling bookshelves with our childhood favorites. Will she like Dr. Seuss? Will she travel to magical places when she reads, the way we did as children? We imagine rocking her to sleep, singing her lullabies, and teaching her about love.

But in all of this daydreaming, planning, and anticipating, we don’t imagine her giving into peer pressure or binge drinking at a party when she’s a teen. We can’t even come close to imagining the kind of mark underage drinking can leave on her. We don’t want to imagine the scary things because those are the things we can’t always protect her from.

Teen Underage Drinking Treatment  in Dallas Tx

Unfortunately, it happens more than you think. In fact, almost 50% of Texas high school students report drinking alcohol in the last 30 days. If your daughter is a teen and you still can’t imagine her drinking alcohol, it might be time to think again. At Roots Renewal Ranch, we want you to know that you don’t have to face this possibility alone.

Teen Underage Drinking Treatment in Forth Worth Tx

Drinking Statistics for Underage Girls 

Is it just Texas where the statistics are that high for underage drinking? Nope. The national average of underage drinkers is around 30%, whereas it’s 50% in Texas – but 30% is still a huge number. For example, there are currently a little more than 2.5 million children between the ages of 13-17 in California. That means that potentially 750,000 of those individuals have participated in alcohol use in the last month. Let’s look at some more national averages:

  • 5.8 million teen girls participated in alcohol use in the last year
  • 3.1 million teen girls participated in alcohol use in the last month
  • 1.8 million teen girls participated in binge drinking (4 or more drinks in 1 setting) in the last month
  • An average of 1,573 teens die in the U.S. due to drunk driving crashes
  • 1,121 alcohol-related homicides are committed each year (on average) by teens
  • An average of 718 teen suicides involve alcohol each year
  • Teens between the ages of 14-15 are the ones who are likely to participate in alcohol use the most
Teen Underage Drinking Treatment  in Denton Tx

How Bad Is Underage Drinking, Really? Here Are the Dangers, Explained

The teen years are already difficult enough – with peer pressure, social media, and standards that sometimes seem out of reach are all around. When a teen starts drinking to manage these pressures, they are more likely to develop an alcohol use disorder later in life. Alcohol becomes a coping mechanism and turns into a learned behavior. It is easy to think “I’m feeling really down on myself, a drink will make me feel better,” but this turns into drinking more often or more drinks at a time.

There is even a correlation between adult drinking and underage drinking. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), when there is a 5% increase in binge drinking in the adult community, there is a 12% increase in underage drinking. The same can be said about children of parents who binge drink.

Besides the mental challenges of an alcohol use disorder, physical health takes a toll from prolonged drinking. Liver disease and cancer are common, as well as heart conditions. Alcohol causes blood pressure to rise, making it harder for the heart to pump blood throughout the body. Cardiomyopathy refers to the stretching of the heart muscle from compensating for high blood pressure. The heart cannot heal itself, and when damage occurs it is permanent.

Lastly, alcohol can only legally be consumed by those over the age of 21. This is a country-wide law in the United States. While there are already legal ramifications for those over 21, when a teen is caught drinking alcohol, the legal punishments are hefty. In Texas, there is a zero tolerance law in place. Those who are caught underage drinking can face fines up to $500, 20-40 hours community service, a 60-day license suspension, attendance to an alcohol awareness class, and a class C misdemeanor on their record. This is only for a first offense; the consequences increase if it happens again.

Teenage Underage Drinking Treatment at Roots Renewal Ranch

5 Reasons Why Young Girls Start Drinking Alcohol

When we typically think of underage drinking, we picture the younger brother getting his college-age sibling to buy a keg for a party. However, it is actually teen girls who are more likely to underage drink than teen boys. What are the reasons why

  1. Establishing their independence with risky behavior – stereotypically, teens try to rebel at some point. However, one of the main reasons for rebelling is the desire to show independence. By trying a “grown-up” activity such as drinking, they are asserting to themselves and others that they know what they are doing, even when they don’t
  2. Peer pressure – fitting in is a common goal among teens. However, most of the time it is a trusted friend who puts pressure on trying something like alcohol for the first time. Seeing that their friend does this “all the time” makes it easy to give in to the pressure and start drinking.
  3. Stress – as we have talked about, middle and high school years are tough. The pressure of getting good grades, doing well in sports, music, or art, managing a part-time job to learn responsibility, and keeping up with family and friend relationships becomes overwhelming. It is possible to even be managing a mental health condition such as depression or anxiety, and self-medicating with alcohol seems like the best fit. 
  4. Accessibility – being popular is often a goal for teens. If parents or an older sibling drinks, a teen is more likely to have ways to access alcohol. By being the provider, the thought is this will automatically boost their popularity.
  5. Curiosity – as children, curiosity was everything. It is how we figure out the stove is hot, bees like to sting, and letting go of the swing chain means falling. This curiosity does not diminish in the teen years. Wanting to try alcohol is sometimes completely innocent, just a wonder in curiosity to see what it does.
Underage Drinking Treatment in Texas

Warning Signs That Your Teen Girl Is Drinking

No parent wants to think their teen girl is drinking, but there may be signs that she has started. Decreased school, sports, activity, and work performance may become noticeable. She may show more signs of depression and anxiety, as drinking can help relieve them in the moment then increase them tenfold. Mood swings will increase and she may also be more secretive or not descriptive of where she is going.

Teenage underage drinking in Dallas

The Roles Parents Play in Preventing Underage Drinking

As parents, it is our goal to raise our children to the best of our ability. While no parent is perfect, there are some tactics we can implement to help prevent underage drinking. Always express an openness to communication, even from a young age. Being open can teach your daughter that it is okay to speak her mind and feelings. But, reiterate the consequences of her actions. She is allowed to feel the way she does but overstepping the parental boundary is not tolerated. If you or your spouse like to drink, keep alcohol out of reach for the teen, and don’t openly boast about drinking.

Getting Your Teen Daughter Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder

Looking for a treatment facility for your daughter can be emotionally and physically exhausting. Scouring the internet for something that can help her takes time and research. As parents, we want our children to lead happy and fulfilling lives, and accepting that we need help is by no means a failure. Success is not measured by how much we can do, but by letting others help us get there.

The focus here at Roots Renewal Ranch in Argyle, Texas is to cleanse, equip, empower, and renew. We provide a space away from the hustle and bustle of life for teenage girls to focus on themselves. Our alcohol addiction treatment includes daily individual and group therapy sessions, 2.5 hours dedicated to school, new educational opportunities such as camping and animal care, and spiritual offerings including non-denominational.

If your teen girl is currently in the grasp of alcohol, help and healing are available. At Roots Renewal Ranch, we provide a safe space for your teen to discover herself beyond alcohol, and utilize her strengths in her recovery. Call us today at 888-399-0489 to learn more about our program options.

Underage drinking treatment in texas


What happens if a minor is caught drinking?

In Texas, there is a zero-tolerance law in place and many other states share the same law. Those who are caught underage drinking can face fines up to $500, 20-40 hours community service, 60-day license suspension, attendance to an alcohol awareness class, and a class C misdemeanor on their record.

Can minors go to jail for drinking?

When the initial arrest is made, minors can go to jail for a few hours to a few days.

What if my 3-year-old took a sip of alcohol?

Even a small amount of alcohol can cause problems, such as alcohol poisoning, low blood sugar, and coma. Always seek medical attention when in doubt.

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Underage Drinking